Thursday, February 19, 2009

Idols for Destruction (Book review)

Idols for Destruction (by Herbert Schlossberg) is a book which step by step shows the reader the modern Idolatries of America and the bankruptcy thereof. There are six Idols which are addressed in six sections, Idols of History, Idols of Humanity, Idols of Mammon, Idols of Nature, Idols of Power, and Idols of Religion. Of the six sections Idols of History was by far the hardest to understand. Man comprehension soared in comparison once I was past it. Idols of Humanity reveals the true inequality of Egalitarianism and shows how redistributionary policies are rooted in ressentiment. It also puts the blame where it lies for unemployment and poverty. Idols of Mammon is almost an extension of Idols of Humanity, uncovering the redistributionary purposes of inflation and the devastating results thereof. Idols of Nature are archenemys of Historicism. Because of this it was the second hardest section for me to digest. But it did help that when the section began it gave some clear definitions of both terms. Historicism is the philosophy that we understand the world only in terms of the past, in other words History is the "Whole Show." Idols of Nature are treated the same way, only with History replaced with Nature. Yet Nature is shown to have no more credibility (in terms of being a complete worldview) than History.
The section "Idols of Power" is a section which attacks the State as the determiner of morality or a god who brings us salvation.
Last addressed was Idols of Religion. These Idols present themselves in "conservatives" who merely fight to maintain morality or values. The are also presented when men cling to religious forms as almost a rabbit's foot, that will bring good luck.
After these six Idols were addressed by Schlossberg, he presents the Christian worldview and it's victory over such Idolatry.

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